Get Certified

The links below are from the Suggested Readings in the Handbook for Archival Certifcation used for Archival Certification. The first handbook was created back in 1997 and the handbook includes the offical role delineation, study guide, and reading list for the Archival Certification test offered by the Academy of Certified Archivists.

Archival Classics

This book was edited by Maygene Daniels and Timothy Walch and was originally published by the National Archives and Records back in 1984.

This classic of archival literature focuses on both the practice and theory of archival work, providing a historical framework for contemporary archival studies. Currently not available for free.

A standard introductory work on the ancient history of archives. Currently not available for free.

Creates a guide for determining which public records to keep or discard. The complete ebook is available from the above link.

This book is one of the five archival classics on the reading list for archival certification. The complete ebook is available from the above link.

General Sources: Journals

Established in 1938, The American Archivist is the leading publication in the archives field. Published semi-annually by the Society of American Archivists, this refereed journal is available both in print (ISSN 0360-9081) and online. The journal seeks to reflect thinking about theoretical and practical developments in the archival profession, particularly in North America; about the relationships between archivists and the creators and users of archives; and about cultural, social, legal, and technological developments that affect the nature of recorded information and the need to create and maintain it.

General Sources: Books and Pamphlets

Content management systems, data warehouses, relational databases the ways an institution can organize and store its information are changing rapidly. Here is a comprehensive guide to the new technologies that can help us better organize vital documents and information for preservation, search, and retrieval. Bantin looks at the major types of resources relational databases; data warehouses; and content, document, and knowledge management systems and the ways each captures, stores, and manages records. Each system is evaluated in light of its ability to manage digital content over the long-term. Bantin also offers suggestions for adapting turnkey systems to better serve organizational needs, tips for implementing systems assessment, and guidance for ensuring systems comply with legal requirements. This is an essential resource for any organization interested in utilizing technology to better maintain its organizational records and data. The whole book is not available for free, but you can find the TOC and Preface.

Richly illustrated, packed with practical examples and tools, Keeping Archives is the most comprehensive and popular guide to establishing, managing and developing archives. Written by professional archivists and conservators this authoritative text is theoretically robust but accessible to all. It is the essential guide for anyone embarking on a career in archives and for those navigating the diversity of archival conundrums, big or small.

This third edition builds on the experience of its two previous editions and extends its content to include advice on managing digital archives and leveraging technology for preservation, access and educational purposes. It also includes a second CD containing templates, samples, checklist and other resources fundamental to any archives. Not available for free.

This volume introduces students and beginning practitioners to the fundamentals of working with archival records and manuscripts. Topics include the history of the archives profession, the organization of archival records, the values that inform practice, and contemporary challenges in the archival world. Also includes a bibliographic essay. An earlier version from 1990 is available from Hathitrust.

Published by SAA in 2005 as one of seven volumes in the Archival Fundamentals Series II, the Glossary contains more than 2,000 defined entries, more than 600 lead-in terms, nearly 700 citations from some 280 sources, and is based primarily on archival literature in the United States and Canada.

This edition include information on digital records, archival encoding descriptions, copyright issues, post-9/11 security concerns, and international perspectives on these issues-content that makes this manual essential for archivists of all backgrounds. Setting up archives, appraisal and accessioning, acquisition strategies and policies, arrangement description, reference and access, preservation, and electronic records are just some of the topics covered in both theory and practice in this clear, comprehensive, and practical guide. This description is for the second edition. The third edition is coming out in the Fall, but the second edition is the version mentioned in the reading list. The whole book is not available for free, but you can find the TOC and Preface for the second edition.

Preservation and Protection

An essential tool for custodians of photographs in archives, libraries, historical societies, and similar repositories who manage photographic materials. This authoritative guide provides pragmatic technique for each aspect of managing collections of images, from appraisal and accessioning through arrangement, description, and research use.